Why does fish and game make things worse?

When it comes to controlled hunts if I make a simple mistake my application gets kicked out of the drawing. When a bunch of parents put their 9 - 11 year old kids in for a drawing that they are to young to apply for they can draw the tags? it doesn't make sense. then you let the kids and their parents keep the tags. it doesn't sound right and it is teaching those kids a bad lesson that the rules don't always apply and then issue gift certificates to other kids to apply for the second chance drawing. I guess the real question is why does fish and game keep screwing up? I will be surprised if this question actually gets answered and posted since it is an embarrassment to fish and game.
Director Moore feels that Fish and Game failed to clearly communicate eligbility requirements for the first Controlled Hunt draw causing much confusion among applicants.  The information was included in three places in the 2014 Big Game Rules brochure, but there were other sections where it could have been included but was not.  That was the basis for his decision to let the tags drawn by young hunters stand, as he explained in his open letter to Idaho sportsmen.  Yes, Fish and Game did make mistakes.  But we've learned from those mistakes and will do better next time. Director Moore's letter is available here.
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Friday, July 25, 2014 - 10:15 AM MDT