Would it be possible to encourage people to target shoot somewhere other than at Spring Valley Reservoir?

I went skiing at Spring Valley this weekend and people were target shooting again near the reservoir. There were also many people ice fishing and walking and trying to enjoy the peace and solitude of this recreation area. We did not see a single bird or other animal during our ski which I attribute to the shooting disturbance. I feel it is inappropriate to have shooting in this area since this is such a popular area for outdoor enthusiasts. I certainly would hesitate to bring my children to play with the firing range so close by. It seems to me there are a zillion other places on state land nearby to shoot a gun without disturbing so many others who are trying to enjoy an outdoor experience. Could fish and game help find a suitable quarry nearby for these individuals could shoot? I used to ski down the road where they are shooting now and around the hills above, but this is not possible now. Thanks for your consideration of this matter.
Thank you for the email. I believe the location you are referring to is owned by Bennett Timber Company. Unfortunately, there are not any public shooting ranges in Latah County so folks wanting to shoot are left to find random locations. We have posted safety zone signs to keep people from shooting toward the reservoir for obvious safety reasons. We have also worked with Bennett to address that specific issue and location. I would encourage you to contact Bennett and share your concerns with them as well.
Answered on: 
Tuesday, January 8, 2013 - 4:58 PM MST