I am a res. of WY in Star Valley next to the Diamond Creek area. I have hunted this area during archery season as a non-res. a few times and it seems there are a lot of people from all over country that hunt here also.The last couple of seasons, I have been ask if I could pack/recover elk for some! Idaho outfitters are hard to come by during season, others just don't want to drive their horses over this way. Would I need a non-res. guide license to help recover game?
Current Outfitting and Guide rules do not require a guide license to rent the use of horses. Nor would you need a guide license to help without compensation.
Horses coming into Idaho from out of state must have a current health certificate from their DVM.
Please check the with Idaho Outfitter and Guides Licensing Board at: http://oglb.idaho.gov/
Answered on:
Thursday, September 27, 2012 - 3:32 PM MDT