Original question was:
Where are the rest of the Chinook? Hatchery Broodstock needs= 8,660+ Harvested tribal and nontribal= 21,426 + Wild fish crossing Lwrgrnt= 22,500,Totals 52,586 fish accounted for. LwrGrnt had 80,000 cross,80,000 crossed-52,586=27,414 unaccounted for?
We have delayed answering your question because we will not complete our accounting of hatchery and natural returns to the Snake Basin until early October when data for all hatchery and natural returns are complete. Many of our hatchery traps are still operational. We can identify the disposition of some of the fish that you have identified as missing. While the hatchery broodstock goal for Idaho hatcheries is approximatelu 8,900 adult fish, Oregon also operates hatcheries in the Grand Ronde and Imnaha sub-basins, those sub-basins also support substantial natural poulations as well and fish returning to those sub-basins are included anomg those crossing Lower Granite Dam. There are also harvests in the Grande Ronde and Imnaha drainages that are not included in the numbers you referenced. Typically hatcheries also end up trapping quite a few more fish than are required for brood stock. In 2012 it is likely that hatcheries will trap about 12,000 fish total. Fish in excess of brood are recyled through fisheries, distributed to treaty Tribes for sudsistence, to food banks, and back to designated areas to spawn naturally. In many areas such as the South Fork Clearwater, the South Fork Salmon River and the upper Salmon River hatchery fish stop their migration short of the hatchery traps and spawn naturally downstream of the hatchery weirs. This number can be substantial and until we get a final accounting from our spawning ground surveys we cannot include them in our inventory.
Answered on:
Thursday, August 30, 2012 - 11:07 AM MDT