Why does the number of Non-Resident elk tags available for the Lolo, Selway, and Middle Fork Zones exceed the actual quota?

On the website showing the available non-resident tags by elk zone, the number of available tags (in the right hand column) exceeds the alloted quota for non-residents. http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/public/licenses/?getPage=75 Why is this? Shouldn't this number be less than or equal to the quota, differing by the number of non-resident tags already purchased for each zone and hunt? This discrepancy seems to only affect the A and B hunts for the Lolo, Selway, and Middle Fork Zones.
Early in the year some tags are made available for outfitters to purchase for their clients.  They are held out for the outfitters until specific dates.  At that time, any tags not going to outfitters go back into the general nonresident quota, which changes the numbers.
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Tuesday, September 18, 2012 - 9:39 AM MDT