Why do I have to take a hunter education course if I am a member of the military? Obviously, I have had weapons training.

Hunter education classes cover much more than weapon safety. Idaho law requires that everyone born January 1, 1975 or later to take hunter education unless they can present proof such as a hunting license or big game tag to show they have hunted in another state. If you have hunted in another state you will have to provide proof when you purchase your hunting license. For those who cannot attend a regular class, Idaho Fish and Game offers classes online at http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/cms/education/hunter_ed/. When you pass the online course you have to participate in a Field Day set up by local Fish and Game offices.Internet courses are not recommended for hunters under 14 years of age.
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Sunday, March 12, 2006 - 5:00 PM MST