why are the super tags given to nonresidents?

I was born and raised in Idaho. I've hunted and fished here all my life. I have put in every year never drawing a single tag. I put in for everything I can and to no surprise I can never draw. So I'm left to open hunts and do to poor deer management of deer I can't find my animal because everybody shoots all the two points and the bucks have no chance at growing up. Particularly in 48 and 49. Now I see nonresidents drawing super tags which I also put in for and that should be for residents only. I am losing any faith I had in the idfg.
Your frustration is certainly understandable, especially when you seem to never draw a tag and someone else always draws their tag.  Changing drawing odds is something we hear from hunters fairly frequently.  Unfortunately, what may seem simple is actually more complicated.  Please check out the video series on drawing odds under the Controlled Hunt odds.  The series has seven short segments and is very helpful in learning about and understanding drawing odds. Resident hunters often resent the fact that non-residents can win Super Hunt tags.  Something that might be helpful is to understand that non-residents are often family members and friends of Idaho residents or former Idaho residents who choose to return to Idaho to hunt.  The money raised from hunters who buy Super Hunt tickets goes to Idaho's Access Yes! program, which benefits all hunters.  As of February 2015, the Access Yes! program has made 380,349 acres of private land and 486,375 acres of public land (with private land access) available to hunters and anglers.  The more people who participate in the Super Hunt process, the better because it will ultimately provide more places for hunters to enjoy time in the field.  
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Monday, April 6, 2015 - 11:30 AM MDT