Who do I contact for detailed information about the existence of Bull Trout in a South Fork of the Clearwater River tributary?

I am trying to find details on the study of Bull Trout in the North and South forks of Dump Creek. This creek is a tributary of the South Fork of the Clear Water River. The head waters in in the Cove area South west of the river and empty into the river about 1/4 mile down stream of the McCallister picnic area. I would like to know when a study was done on this particular stream and what the findings were in regards to Bull Trout inhabiting the stream. Thank You Howard Thompson
Joe Dupont is our Regional Fisheries Manager in Lewiston and is the person who can answer questions about the Clearwater River Basin.  He can be reached at 208-799-5010. What may be faster is to access our study archives located on our Department webpage.  Go to fishandgame.idaho.gov; click on the "Science" tab; click on "Fisheries."  There are several filters you can use to narrow the area of your search. Typically, we don't conduct surveys for a single species of fish - rather, we look at a measured stream distance and document the entire fish community and collect fish density and size information.  All this information will be captured in the technical fisheries reports at the above listed website.
Answered on: 
Tuesday, March 1, 2016 - 8:45 AM MST