Common Carp can be found in several places around Caldwell. Your best bet will be Lake Lowell from April through October, but spring is usually better. Try the shoreline access points along the northern shore such as Gotts Point and the the Deer Flat National Refuge headquarters. The Snake River and lower Boise River also have carp. Other spots include Crane Creek Reservoir, Black Canyon Reservoir and Brownlee Reservoir.
Spinning tackle works the best with a good bait being the most important. Carp can be very picky when it comes to bait, so do some research first. Most successful carp anglers are using baits such as corn and various homemade bread or dough balls. Sometimes a nightcrawler is all you need. Look for carp around flooded vegetation in shallow water in the spring.
Good luck!
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Monday, November 16, 2015 - 8:56 AM MST