When does Bobcat season end in region 2 and 3? When is deadline to submit/tag a harvested cat in these regions? Is everything north of McCall/New Meadows considered 2??

Season dates for bobcat trapping or hunting are December 14-February 16.  Bobcat Mandatory Check and Report Information: Any person taking bobcat whether by hunting or trapping must comply with the mandatory check and report and pelt tag requirements by: Presenting the pelts of all bobcats taken to a regional office, the McCall office or official check point to obtain the appropriate pelt tag and complete a harvest report. To have a pelt tagged, the pelt must be legally taken in Idaho and must be presented during normal working hours – 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pelts must be thawed before they can be checked. A fee of $2 will be charged for each pelt tag. An additional $1.75 vendor fee will be charged to each license holder when pelts are brought in for tagging. No person, who does not possess a furbearer or taxidermist license and/or appropriate import documentation, shall have in possession, except during the open season and for 10 days after the close of the season, any raw bobcat pelt which does not have an official state export tag attached (either Idaho’s or another state’s). No person, who does not possess a furbearer or taxidermist license and/or appropriate import documentation, shall sell, offer for sale, purchase, or offer to purchase any raw bobcat which does not have an official state export tag attached.
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Friday, February 1, 2013 - 11:01 AM MST