There are three different runs of Chinook Salmon that enter Idaho, each provide fishing opportunities at different times of the year.
Spring Chinook Salmon: Hatchery spring Chinook salmon tend to start entering Idaho around the end of April or Beginning of May with the peak of the run entering Idaho around early to mid-May. These fish are destined for the Clearwater River basin, the Snake River (up to Hells Canyon Dam), the lower Salmon River and the Little Salmon River. On most years the fishing season for spring Chinook salmon opens around the end of April and may last as short as a couple weeks or as long as four months depending on the number of fish returning.
The best time to fish can vary considerably depending on where you want to fish, the timing of the run, and weather and flow conditions. The general rule of thumb is the closer you are to the Idaho-Washington border, the earlier you will want to fish. If you want to fish in the lower Clearwater and the Snake rivers, consider fishing in May. If you want to fish near the town of Riggins, late May to mid-June tends to be the best times. If in doubt, feel free to call the Clearwater Fish and Game office.
Summer Chinook Salmon: Hatchery summer Chinook salmon tend to start entering Idaho around mid to late June with the peak of the run occurring around late June to early July. These fish are destined for the South Fork Salmon River, and the upper Salmon River. On most years the fishing season for summer Chinook salmon opens around the end of June and may last as short as a couple weeks or as long as three months depending on the number of fish returning. The best time to fish can vary considerably but often the best time to fish is in July. If in doubt, feel free to call the Clearwater Fish and Game office.
Fall Chinook Salmon: Hatchery fall Chinook Salmon tend to starting enter Idaho around late August to early September with the peak of the run occurring around mid to late September. These fish are destined for the Snake River and Clearwater River. On most years the fishing season for fall Chinook Salmon opens on September 1 and ends on October 31. The best time to fish can vary considerably, but often mid-September to early October are the times when most like to fish for fall Chinook Salmon.