I have fished Island Park Reservoir for 40 years.It used to be better than Henrys Lake.The Last 25 years have been terrible.What is wrong with this Reservoir.I have talked to people who wont go back their because the fishing stinks.Have you guys done any studies on this problem?
Thanks for your interest in fishing Island Park Reservoir. We recognize that the fishing quality on that reservoir (like many others) fluctuates from year to year, and have been working to stabilize and improve the fishing up there. Many factors play a role in fishing success, including stocking, wild production, environmental, weather, storage level, etc., and can be difficult to control. One major change we've implemented is a shift in stocking fingerling trout (about 3" in length) to stocking advanced fingerlings that range up to about 6" in length. We believe that has contributed to better fishing in recent years, as evident in our most recent creel survey data (2013). Angler catch rates in 2013 were higher than they have been since the mid-1980's, and many anglers reported good fishing. Reports from this year have been mixed, with some anglers reporting good fishing, but others struggling to catch fish. My personal succes this year has been well below what I caught last year. In short, Island Park is operated as an irrigation storage reservoir, and will fluctuate often and substantially to meet downstream demands. This, in combination with the factors listed above, will continue to make managing for a quality, consistent fishery in Island Park a challenge.
Answered on:
Friday, August 22, 2014 - 9:15 AM MDT