The Summit will be an opportunity to have a conversation with Idahoans who care about wildlife. Hunters, trappers, anglers and other wildlife conservationists enjoy wildlife in many ways and they are deeply interested in how it is managed. Early last year, Fish and Game Director Virgil Moore laid out for his staff the agency's dilemma: legal mandates and public expectations have outgrown funding sources. Now Moore wants to lay it out for the rest of Idaho. He wants to discuss how to meet those mandates and expectations without infringing on the agency's mission of stewardship of wildlife to provide opportunities for hunting, fishing and trapping. He wants to hear ideas and look for common ground on which to develop a plan for the future. The Wildlife Summit is scheduled on August 24-26 at the Riverside Hotel in Boise.
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Friday, February 10, 2012 - 12:30 PM MST