What is the greatest distance from which a wolf can be killed given the variety of firearms allowed by IDFG, and which firearms deliver that? What is the greatest distance possible using allowable bows, and which deliver that capacity?
The answer to the question is simple: how good are you with the firearm/bow you are using? The most important thing in cleanly killing a wolf or any animal is being a competent shooter. Accuracy is always increased the closer a person is to the target. The chances for a miss increase the further away you are. Wolves do not provide a large vital area, and typically don't stand around in the open for long. The vital area (heart/lung ) on a wolf is about the size of a dinner plate. If you center punch that target area consistently at 200 yards with a rest, you are doing well. Off hand, or standing shots, moving targets, etc. would require you to be much much closer. Any center fire firearm that is accurate to 200 yards and you are comfortable with can kill a wolf. Same advice for a bow. The closer the better. Certainly under 40 yards is the goal for any bow hunter with legal equipment for big game, especially with a small target like a wolf. You should be always thinking about how close you can get to the quarry before shooting, not how far the equipment can shoot. The failure of a shot is 99% of the time because of the shooter, not the firearm. Wounding is unacceptable for any good hunter. Good luck, and good aim!
Answered on:
Tuesday, September 9, 2014 - 10:15 AM MDT