IDFG sometimes implements a Controlled Hunt with an Unlimited number of tags as an intermediate step between a general season hunt and a controlled hunt with a limited number of tags when there is a concern about total hunter numbers and harvest in the hunt area.
If hunting pressure is too high in a general season hunt, we may propose implementing an "Unlimited Controlled Hunt" in that hunt area. The benefit of this approach is that all hunters who really want to hunt in that area and commit to it by applying for that hunt during the controlled hunt application period, WILL draw the tag. This approach is intended to reduce the total number of hunters in the hunt area compared to the number who would hunt there under a general season hunt--after the controlled hunt drawing, hunters are unable to decide to purchase a tag for the area later in the season as they could do for a general season hunt. Holding an "Unlimited Controlled Hunt" also avoids implementation the other limitations that come along with a controlled hunt, such as, a 1 year waiting period after drawing a tag for an antlered deer, and a limitation of a maximum of 10% of the tags issued to nonresidents.
If the unlimited controlled hunt is still too popular (more hunters/harvest than the population can sustain and remain within objectives), we would need to consider limiting the number of tags issued for that controlled hunt to some reduced number.
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Thursday, March 3, 2016 - 9:30 AM MST