A nonresident can use this license to hunt predatory and unprotected animals only (see list below). The cost is $35.50 and the license is valid through the end of August only.
It cannot be used to apply for a controlled hunt.
Hunting of Predatory & Unprotected Animals
Some animals are classified as “predators” or as “unprotected” and can be hunted and taken all year. Animals classified as predators in Idaho include coyotes, raccoons, jackrabbits, skunks, weasels, and starling. The most frequently hunted unprotected animals include marmots, fox squirrels, porcupines and Columbian ground squirrels, English sparrows, Eurasian-collared doves, and feral pigeons.
These species may be taken in any amounts and at any time by holders of the appropriate valid Idaho hunting, trapping or combination hunting license, provided such taking is not in violation of state, county, or city laws, ordinances or regulations.
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Friday, January 18, 2013 - 3:58 PM MST