The superhunt is a drawing for 34 tags that helps to fund Access Yes! -- the proceeds go toward compensating willing landowners for hunter and angler access to or across private land.
Participants purchase chances at drawing a superhunt tag for deer, elk, moose or pronghorn tags. These tags can be used anywhere statewide in general seasons or in controlled hunts.
We also offer superhunt combos; if you purchase one of these and you are drawn, you get 4 tags--one each for deer, elk, moose and pronghorn hunts.
Superhunt ticket prices are $6 for the first ticket of each species and $4 for each additional ticket for that species purchased during the same transaction. For superhunt combo tickets, the first one is $20 and each additional ticket purchased during the same transaction is $16. Drawings will be in June and August.
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Thursday, December 20, 2012 - 10:11 AM MST