What the heck is going on? A person's pet, hunting partner was beaten to death?

What is going to happen to the lady who beat the falcon to death... The families that live in the area should know who this person is so we can keep our animals a safe. State Animal Cruelty Laws: Anti-cruelty laws exist in all U.S. states and territories to prohibit unnecessary killing, mutilating, torturing, beating, neglecting and abandoning animals, or depriving them of proper food, water or shelter. Animal cruelty cases may be investigated by a local humane society, SPCA or animal control agency or, in areas where these organizations are not present, by police or sheriff’s departments. When an investigation uncovers enough evidence to warrant prosecution, charges may be filed by the local district or state’s attorney. Often, only the most serious cases generate sufficient sympathy and evidence to warrant prosecution, and gaining convictions may be very difficult.
This incident was investigated by Fish and Game Conservation officers.  The results of that investigation have been turned over to the county prosecutor who will ultimately decide whether to file charges.
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Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - 10:35 AM MDT