What to do about salt block on public land?

A friend of mine stumbled across a salt block in the mountains of unit 39, on public land. We figure its considered baiting; however, don't know the legalities - are we allowed to hunt the area if its removed, and if not, how far away from the area do we have to be to be considered legal ourselves? The specific area is one we hunt every year for elk and deer.
This is often an ethical dilemma faced by hunters. The rule states it is illegal to hunt big game with the use of bait (except for bear and wolf). Bait here is defined as something placed to attract wildlife. However, many ranchers use salt blocks to manage cattle movement within an allotment. If the salt was placed for livestock and not to attract wildlife, it would be legal to hunt over. If you find a salt block in the forest you will have to make that ethical decision whether you believe that salt was left for livestock or whether it was placed as bait to wildlife. There is not a legal distance associated with the baiting law. The intent of the law is to prohibit hunting if the salt was placed to attract wildlife and if that salt has influenced or enticed wildlife on a path that allows the hunter the advantage.
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Wednesday, October 10, 2012 - 4:58 PM MDT