What animal is this?

This is going to be very vague. I'm sorry ahead of time. There is some creature that makes noises outside our apartment. It seems to only be active at night. However, it sounds more like a kitten than a bat. We have no idea what it is. We haven't seen evidence of any sort of animal but we hear it. We thought it could be an owl or eagle but we googled the sounds they make and it didn't match up. Nor do their behavioral patterns match up. Do you have any other ideas as to what this could be? It's not a kitten.
Have you listened to some calls of the barn owl?  or western screech owl?  Without actually hearing the call, these would be where I would start.  Both owls make a variety of calls.  You might try to look up the "bark" or "screech" calls of either the eastern screech owl or the western screech owl.  We don't have eastern screech owl in Idaho, but some elements of their barks and screeches are similar to our western screech owl.  For barn owl, they make some weird hisses and screams.  That's the best I can do from this description.
Answered on: 
Monday, January 26, 2015 - 3:30 PM MST