I am trying to find out if the 10 AM shooting hours start time during pheasant season on WMAs where pheasants are stocked applies to all hunters on the WMA. In the regs, the rule seems to be ambiguously written, and not limited to pheasant hunters.
"Note to Hunters on Wildlife Management Areas: During the pheasant season, including the youth pheasant season, shooting hours begin at 10 a.m. on the Fort Boise, C.J. Strike, Montour, Niagara Springs, Payette River and Sterling Wildlife Management Areas. Everywhere else in the state, shooting hours start one-half hour before sunrise."
"Shooting hours begin at 10:00 a.m. on the C.J. Strike, Fort Boise, Montour and Payette River Wildlife Management Areas."
The 10 a.m. rules applies only to Upland bird hunters on WMA's where pheasants are stocked. Upland game birds shall not be taken before 10 a.m. on Fort Boise, C .J.Strike, Montour, Niagara Springs, Payette River and Sterling WMAs, during the pheasant season. Waterfowl hunters can hunt before 10 a.m. on these WMAs if waterfowl hunting is allowed.
Answered on:
Wednesday, October 22, 2014 - 9:15 AM MDT