Is it legal to use a gaff while ice fishing on Blackfoot res. if harvesting rainbows,?
Idaho Code says:
05. Gaff Hook. It is unlawful to land fish of any species with a gaff hook except through a hole cut or broken in the ice in waters which have no length restrictions or harvest closures for that species or when landing nongame fish species taken with archery equipment. (3-29-12)
Blackfoot Reservoir is closed to the harvest of cutthroat, so if you can positively identify the fish on the end of your line as a rainbow trout, then you can use a gaff to remove the fish from the hole in the ice.
I've ice fished for a number of years and fished waters where there is a mix of rainbow and cutthroat. When I pull the fish to the edge of the hole, it is often difficult to distinguish the species of fish - and for that reason, I wouldn't use a gaff while ice fishing on Blackfoot Reservoir. Keep in mind, that if you use a gaff and accidently remove a cutthroat, you can be cited for illegal use of a gaff hook and illegal possession of a cutthroat trout. In my mind, it's legal but not worth the risk.
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Friday, January 2, 2015 - 11:34 AM MST