Many fisherman in our region have tried to get the trout limit in our region reduced because of poor numbers of fish being caught. this has fallen on deaf ears (yours!) Then we are told that you can"t plant the #'s of fish as in the past (understandable!) . Now I hear the possession limit is being raised to 3 times the dailley limit!! That is 18 fish legally in possesion!! Ask fishermen about their sucess @ Blackfoot Resevoir! Was there any public input requested? If so I missed it. Why
Thanks for your question about the upcoming changes to the trout possession limit. When the new fishing rules take effect in 2016, anglers will be able to have 3 daily bag limits in possession, whereas before it was just one. This usually meant fisherman traveling for the weekend or on vacation were only able to bring home one limit of trout (usually 6). IDFG received lots of public comment from anglers that were unhappy with the one-day possession limit rule, since they could only bring back 6 trout, despite being away fishing for several days. This does not change the daily bag limit, which is still 6. So anglers are still limited to harvesting only one limit per day. There was also interest to make trout possession limits consistent with the salmon/steelhead fishing rules to reduce confusion.
During June - August 2015, IDFG asked for public input on this change with several options. Several statewide and local press releases were issued announcing the online fishing rule survey at the IDFG website. Public open house meetings were held at the Pocatello Southeast Region office (and all other offices). Also, since this change required amending the IDAPA code, proposed changes were also published in the administrative bulletin. I understand that you must feel frustrated that you didn't get a chance to comment. Despite advertising the open houses and the online survey that was available for several weeks, we don't always reach everyone.
We recognize that reduced stocking at Blackfoot Reservoir has resulted in a decreases in catch rates. Restoring stocking numbers at Blackfoot Reservoir is a high priority. However, if we are unable to get back to stocking 80,000 catchable-sized rainbow trout in Blackfoot Reservoir, a reduction in the daily bag will be considered.
We would be happy to talk to you more about this change or Blackfoot Reservoir specifically, so please feel free to contact us. Here's our information:
Dave Teuscher - Southeast Regional Fish Manager
Martin Koenig - Sportfishing Program Coordinator
Answered on:
Friday, December 11, 2015 - 12:45 PM MST