Trespass Law

Can you please go into detail on how to tell if land is enclosed. For instance there are many 3-4 strand barbwire fences that run through public land and then into private, what type of fences would deem land to be enclosed?
I assume by enclosed you are refering to closed off for public access or trespass. Fence locations or type of fencing really has nothing to do with idaho trespass law.  The law states: No person may enter private land to hunt, fish or trap without permission if the land is: Cultivated OR posted with no trespassing  or similar signage every 660 feet or at all reasonable access points OR posted with 100 square inches of high visibility orange paint every 660 feet or all reasonable access points OR posted with high visibility orange paint on the top 18 inches of a metal fence post every 660 feet or all reasonable access points OR posted with signs where a public road enters and leaves property through or along which the public has a right-of-way I suggest you read the full statute which can be found on page 96 of the 2015 & 2016 big game seasons and rules booklet.  
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Tuesday, December 29, 2015 - 3:30 PM MST