If a road is closed to the public and gated but still on state land can a hunter shoot from that road?
Great question, please follow me through to the end. Page 95 in the Big game rules states: It is unlawful to shoot from or across the traveled portion, shoulders or embankments of any road maintained by any government entity. The rule is under Chapter 15 of the Idaho Code: Public Safety section. No distinction is made for open or closed roads, only that they are public-----even closed roads are used by many to acess areas, and are a public safety concern---- so following the letter of the law the answer is No. -------Obviously, the totality of the individual circumstance will guide an officer's discretion in working with any violations... with safety being the primary concern---- Stay Safe and Good Luck Hunting
Answered on:
Monday, October 5, 2015 - 5:10 PM MDT