During a Big Game Hunting Season, such as Deer, if you stumble across a Road kill Deer while in possession of a Deer tag in the Hunt area may one Harvest the Road Kill Deer with a Permit and still be able to use the tag on a Deer you harvested with a controlled hunt weapon?
Whether it is in season or out of season it would not be lawful for you to use your deer tag on a road kill animal. However, you can use the online salvage report and obtain a “salvage permit” that would allow you to legally salvage and retain all or part of the road kill animal in question.
During the 2012 Idaho Legislative session, new rules were approved which allow Idaho residents to recover, posses, and sell commercially valuable wildlife that have been killed by accidental vehicle collisions. You can go to our web site to find out more details regarding the rule and there is also a list of common questions and explanations concerning the new rules.
The process can start here by reporting the salvage online: (click on the “report road kill and/or Salvage” icon.
Another option would be to report your salvage at a Regional Office and obtain your salvage permit at that time. Either way you must report that you are salvaging the road kill animal within 24 hours.
Answered on:
Thursday, July 17, 2014 - 9:58 AM MDT