rocky mounting bighorn vs. california bighorn

Does Idaho consider Rocky Mountain Bighorn sheep the same as California Bighorn sheep in the drawing process? So if I harvested a Rocky Mountain Bighorn could I also then put in for a California Bighorn Sheep the following year(s)?
Here is some information from our trophy proclamation booklets: Any person who has killed a California bighorn ram or Rocky Mountain bighorn ram, on any controlled hunt in Idaho may not apply for a tag for the same species, except any person who has killed a California bighorn ram south of Interstate Highway 84 since 1974 and is otherwise eligible, may apply for a Rocky Mountain bighorn ram tag for any hunt north of Interstate Highway 84. Any person, who has killed a Rocky Mountain bighorn ram north of Interstate Highway 84 since 1974 and is otherwise eligible, may apply for a California bighorn ram tag for any hunt south of Interstate highway 84. No person applying for a Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep controlled hunt as a first choice shall apply for a California bighorn sheep controlled hunt as a second choice. No person shall apply for both a Rocky Mountain and a California bighorn hunt the same year. Please contact our wildlife bureau if you have additional questions about bighorn sheep eligibility rules.
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Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - 7:56 AM MDT