I was wondering if the law has changed on shooting black birds. I am overrun with them and they are eating everything in sight. I am unable to keep suet feeders, for my woodpeckers, or seed feeders, for the other birds. Even the smallest feeders, they simply rock it, until the seed falls out. I may have close to 60 in my yard at one time. The noise and mess is unbearable. With the huge number of black birds, I am hoping that they are now legal to shoot. What are the farmers supposed to do with hundreds of black birds damaging some of their crops?
No it is illegal to shoot the black birds in your back yard, it sounds like you need to get a different type bird feeder, try a finch feeder or a tube feeder, those feeder types have smaller holes where as the bigger birds cannot get at the food source as easily.
Answered on:
Monday, February 23, 2015 - 4:28 PM MST