Musky & Pike fishing

First, thank you for all the work you do for us - I really do appreciate all of it. Now my questions: -Are there any waters for Pike fishing South of CDA? -Are there any waters for Musky fishing in the South West Region? -Where are the best Musky waters in Idaho? Thanks in advance, B. King
We are using a few pike in mountain lakes in south-central Idaho to reduce brook trout numbers, but we really don’t want them to be harvested (some lakes have less than 10 pike stocked).  In the Southwest part of Idaho the best place to find Tiger muskies is Dog Creek Reservoir near Gooding or Carey Lake.  Tiger muskie were recently stocked in Little Payette Lake to control nongame fish.  They probably aren’t big enough to catch, yet. Check the fish stocking records on our webpage at:; Fishing; Fish Stocking Records.  
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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - 2:40 PM MDT