In the Big Game Regs it says "Bait is defined as any substance placed to attract game animals, except liquid
scent for deer and elk." However in the MGS regs this sentence is conspicuously absent--both the definition of bait and the exception to the rule. Is it legal to use liquid scents for Moose Goats & Sheep?
Good question and good catch! The language in the big game regulations and seasons booklet and the moose, bighorn sheep, and mountain goat booklet don't match--and they should.
The Idaho Administrative Procedures Act contains regulations (e.g., IDAPA ) that prohibit the use of bait for hunting big game animals (which includes moose, bighorn sheep, and mountain goats) with the exception of special rules regulating baiting for black bears and baiting wolves for trapping purposes. However, that regulation also excludes liquid scent from the definition of "bait."
So the short answer is: Yes. Because liquid scents are not considered "baits" for purposes of this rule, it would be legal to use liquid scent to attract and hunt moose, bighorn sheep, or mountain goats.
Answered on:
Monday, August 24, 2015 - 3:00 PM MDT