I have Always wanted to live in the wild (live off the land). Is it legal? If so where can I go? Where can I not go? I live in the southeast region. Thanks in advance.
Living in the wild is something people probably think about from time-to-time. However, the reality of such a life often does not match how we would imagine such a life. Finding food and coping with the weather can be a daunting challenge. In addition, a number of rules and regulations apply to public land use. Public lands have regulations limiting the length of time a person may camp to 14 days. This applies to an unimproved area as well as some established campgrounds. In addition, there is a radius out of which a camp must be moved when the 14 day limit is over. The general gathering of berries and other plants for food is not regulated, but knowing what is edible and what is not in a vital skill. Endangered plants may not be gathered. Both hunting and fishing are regulated by specific seasons, locations and species. Hunting and fishing licenses and tags are required to hunt and fish in Idaho. A good place to learn more is your local Forest Service District Office.
Answered on:
Thursday, December 11, 2014 - 2:15 PM MST