Land owner tag

If I acquire a landowner tag for elk am I able to buy an elk tag at the general price that same year?
If the landowner controlled hunt tag you get is for a limited controlled hunt, you cannot have a general season tag for the same species. However, you would be able to purchase what we call a RES-NONRES general season tag as a second tag at the nonresident price. The RES-NONRES general season tags are those general season nonresident deer and elk tags remaining from the nonresident quota after August 1. These general season tags can be purchased by both residents and nonresidents as a second tag at the nonresident price. For example: If you are a resident of Idaho and are given a landowner limited elk controlled hunt, you cannot purchase another resident general season elk tag. If we have nonresident elk tags available as of August 1, you may purchase a RES-NONRES general season elk tag at the nonresident price. If you are a resident of Idaho and are given a landowner extra limited elk controlled hunt, you can purchase a resident general season elk tag because the landowner controlled hunt given is an extra tag.
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Tuesday, February 2, 2016 - 12:09 PM MST