If you a want more youth hunters involved and be successful, why would you open the youth permits on a week day? They have to skip school if they want to hunt the opening day.


The department does have some seasons that are the same day for example the third Saturday in October is the pheasant opener in eastern Idaho. As far as big game is concerned, the discussion on when to start a big game general hunts has happened several times during my 17-year career. That conversation has always come around to the conclusion that the date instead of the day was better suited for big game general season openers. However, we can see your point as it pertains to youth seasons and affording them as much opportunity to get in the field. The season setting process is coming up this winter and we encourage you to call your regional office and discuss your thoughts and ideas with the wildlife staff. As far as access, we know that times have changed and access has decreased. The Department is constantly looking for willing landowners to develop access agreements throughout the state and we are trying to grow that acreage to help hunters get more access on or through private land.

Answered on: 
Wednesday, October 12, 2022 - 4:14 PM MDT