If licensed with a tag and you see a deer or elk injured by a vehicle collision can you dispatch it and harvest it ?

If you are on your way early in the morning to go elk hunting with a tag and license and an elk steps out in the highway and you clobber it damaging the front of your truck and obviously wounding it - can you pull over and dispatch the wounded animal and harvest it - tracking it for a bit if necessary ? This actually happened but we find no specifics on this situation and did not follow it as it limped off the road into nearby trees.
Yes, you can hunt the wounded animal.  However, you will need to comply with all relevant hunting rules such as: open elk season where you are at, correct zone elk tag, lawful hunting hours, don't shoot from or across a public road, and when the animal is harvested, it must be tagged with a properly validated and attached elk tag. Please note that if you do kill a game animal through a vehicle collision you can now salvage all, or part of the animal.  If you do salvage any part of the animal you will need to report it to Idaho Fish and Game in person at a regional office or on-line at the following website: https://fishandgame.idaho.gov/species/roadkill.
Answered on: 
Friday, October 17, 2014 - 2:02 PM MDT