my son is 28 years and wants to go hunting and he wants me to go with him but I am a felon. Can I still go with him just to keep him company?
Update notice: Idaho statute changes effective July 1, 2015 changes the weapon definitions for some felons. Please review this updated answer for clarification on this change.The following answer remains intact for historical purposes.I cannot answer this question accurately as the disposition of each case is not the same. Review the court documents relative to your sentencing or seek counsel from your attorney. Each disposition is different and some contain special exceptions or restrictions. Make sure you are in compliance with Idaho law regarding felons as well as federal laws. Here are links to the basic Idaho laws on this subject: are also federal restrictions on possession of firearms. Here’s a link to a U.S. Department of Justice summary of federal restrictions:
Answered on:
Thursday, October 23, 2014 - 10:30 AM MDT