I don't know where to start. I found a few information on importing etc. but what I'd like to do is go with a group or something? As i'm the only one in my family who is interested, what should I do? I love these big animals.
Hunting black bears is a popular sport in Idaho. However, for a new hunter, or someone that hasn't hunted in the state before, it can be a little daunting. The easiest way to get around the confusion of how, when, where, is to contact an outfitter to help you out with your first hunt. They often book other people at the same time so you could choose to have a one-on-one experience with a guide, or go with others. They have different options and different types of hunting available, from spot and stalk to baiting to hound hunting. You can choose type of hunting depending upon your fitness level, timelines, preferred styles, etc.. They can also get a permit and CITES tag from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to transport a bear hide to the U.K. That might be your best option for your first hunt. Afterwards, you can decide if you want to hunt with an outfitter or alone once you understand what it entails. Of course you can always plan your own hunt by visiting our website, making some informed choices about where you might like to hunt, then calling and contacting the regional office closest to your preferred hunt area and then talk to a biologist. You can find an outfitter and guide at: Idaho Outfitter and Guides Board @: www.oglb.idaho.gov or at Idaho Outfitters and Guides Association: www.ioga.org . You can find information about bear hunting on our website at www.fishandgame.idaho.gov . Good luck!
Answered on:
Monday, September 15, 2014 - 4:59 PM MDT