I would like to know the limit on rabbits and on crayfish

Rabbits:   Cottontail Rabbit & Snowshoe Hare Seasons     3/1/12-8/31/12 Either-sex Mountain Cottontail Rabbit Falconry Idaho Statewide 4/1/12-8/31/12 Either-sex Snowshoe Hare Falconry Idaho Statewide 8/30/12-2/28/13 Either-sex Mountain Cottontail Rabbit Short-Range Idaho Statewide 8/30/12-3/31/13 Either-sex Snowshoe Hare Short-Range Idaho Statewide   Cottontail Rabbit & Snowshoe Hare Limits:  Daily bag limits are 8 and the possession limit is 24. Jackrabbit Can be hunted all year and any amount may be harvested Crayfish: Nongame fish (minnows), yellow perch, and crayfish may be taken only in waters open to fishing; provided the seine or net does not exceed ten (10) feet in length or width, and nets and seines must have three-eighths (3/8) inch square or smaller mesh; and the minnow or crayfish trap does not exceed two (2) feet in length, width or height. If the trap is of irregular dimension, but its volume does not exceed the volume of an eight (8) cubic foot trap, it is also legal to use. Nets and seines may not be left unattended. Traps must be checked at least every forty-eight (48) hours. All traps must have a tag attached bearing the owner’s name and address.
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Wednesday, January 23, 2013 - 11:10 AM MST