I know we have had many discussions and attempts for a point system with controlled hunts in the past. With the large increase to our population of people in Idaho, are there any discussions/plans to offer a point system for controlled hunts again?


There is not currently a proposal to institute a point system in Idaho. The Idaho Fish and Game Commission has seriously considered point systems in the past, as you noted, most recently in 2005 and 2010. In 2005, the Commission adopted a point system contingent on the Idaho Legislature passing a law that allowed the Fish and Game Department to charge a small surcharge on each application to cover the cost of implementing the system. The legislature debated a bill, but eventually rejected it and the point system was not implemented. In 2009, the legislature passed a law that allowed the Department to charge no more than $4.50 per controlled hunt application to fund a point system should the Commission implement one. In 2010, the Fish and Game Department proposed implementing a bonus point system (very similar to Nevada’s), but the Commission did not accept the proposal.

The Commission cited several reasons for not adopting a point system, including:

1) Adding increased complexity to the licensing system.

2) Impact on casual/youth hunters and other new hunters that would be disadvantaged by a point system.

3) Responding to substantive public perception that the Department was proposing a point system simply to increase revenues. Additionally, comment received during the public scoping process indicated broad public disagreement on the specifics of any single system. Areas of disagreement: bonus points vs. preference points, whether a point-only option should be implemented, which hunts or what species should the system apply to, and whether a point system should be mandatory or voluntary.

There was a lot of information presented to the Commission at that time, and if you want to do a deep dive, here’s a presentation that was produced in 2010 about bonus and preference points and how they might affect Idaho: https://idfg.idaho.gov/old-web/docs/licenses/controlledHunts/bonusPointsReport.pdf

Thanks for the question, and hope this helps.

Answered on: 
Thursday, October 6, 2022 - 2:43 PM MDT