I have been hearing that the department was going to start netting Priest Lake to control lake trout numbers?If this is corect is angler incentive a option

If this is corect is angler incentive a option?
A decision has not yet been made regarding the future of Priest Lake and the lake trout fishery.  IDFG is currently in the “scoping” phase of developing a new statewide fisheries management plan for 2013-2018.  The plan will set direction for Priest and Upper Priest lakes, as well as other fisheries throughout Idaho.  The current management plan states IDFG will manage for lake trout (mackinaw) in Priest Lake, while we try restore native fish populations in Upper Priest Lake by yearly removal of lake trout with nets.  We’ve learned over the past six years that trying to manage the lakes as two independent systems is neither practical nor feasible in the long-term.   This means the Department, with input from the public, must make a decision on whether we manage both lakes for lake trout and abandon efforts to maintain cutthroat and bull trout in Upper Priest Lake or; alternatively, we begin a large-scale effort to suppress lake trout and restore the native trout and kokanee fisheries in Priest Lake.  Because a decision hasn’t been made, it’s premature to say how we’d go about implementing a suppression effort.  Given the progress we’ve seen with lake trout suppression on Lake Pend Oreille (which utilizes both commercial netting equipment and an angler harvest incentive),  we would certainly look to that program as a potential model.  
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Thursday, February 16, 2012 - 11:16 AM MST