I applied for a moose tag and was not drawn. Am I eligible to apply for a controlled hunt for elk this year? There is a note in the regulations

■Applicants for controlled hunts for moose, mountain goat or bighorn sheep may only apply for one species Does this mean I can't aply for elk too? I am hoping this mean I have to pick either Moose, Mountain Goat or Big Horns and that I am not restricted from applying for an elk controlled hunt. I have put in for moose the last 3 years and haven't attemptd to put in for elk those years. A friend told me I was not reading the regs correctly and to ask you for clarification. Thanks! Ron Linderman McCammon, ID
A person who has applied for a bighorn sheep, mountain goat, or moose controlled hunt may not apply for any other controlled hunt in the same year, except unlimited controlled hunts, a controlled black bear hunt, controlled turkey hunt, extra deer, extra elk, or extra pronghorn controlled hunts, or a designated depredation hunt. In addition, applicants for bighorn sheep, mountain goat or moose controlled hunts are eligible to participate in the second deer, elk and pronghorn application period and in first-come, first-served deer, elk and pronghorn controlled hunt tag sales. -
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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - 9:51 AM MDT