A gift certificate to cover a new hunting/fishing license is one idea. Also, Fish and Game offers annual license and lifetime license certificates. These licenses are valid for the lifetime of the license holder and are available to all residents of Idaho. If a lifetime certificate holder moves out of Idaho, they will continue to receive an annual license, but they will have to pay nonresident tag and permit fees. The lifetime certificate does not include tags and permits. Lifetime certificates can be purchased at Idaho Fish and Game headquarters and regional offices. The cost varies with the age of the buyer.Applicant ---- Combination -- Hunting -- Fishing0 - 1 year ---- $795.50 ------ $276.75 ---- $601.752 - 50 years --- $1,113 ------- $386.75 ---- $841.7551 and older --- $636.75 ------ $221.75 ---- $481.75
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Sunday, November 28, 2010 - 5:00 PM MST