Due to an unfortunate circumstances with a hunting partner, Utah suspended my big game hunting privileges and said that they could inform other states as well.
Would I still be able to hunt with my kids in Idaho where common sense still abides?
Thank you for your question. Idaho is a member state of the Wildlife Violator Compact (WVC) as are many other states including Utah. If an individual’s hunting privileges are suspended in any of the member states, every state belonging to the WVC honors that suspension. If your hunting privileges are still suspended in Utah, your hunting privileges are also suspended in Idaho and the purchase of an Idaho hunting license while suspended constitutes a misdemeanor violation. However, unless there are additional restrictions placed on your suspension in Utah prohibiting you from accompanying anyone in the field while hunting, you can accompany others while they are hunting in Idaho as long as you do not kill, or attempt to kill any wildlife.
Answered on:
Wednesday, September 9, 2015 - 3:00 PM MDT