We have ceased stocking catfish in Beachs Pond due to poor tag returns. Low returns indicating low harvest upset the balance in this pond. Un-harvested catfish exerted too much predation pressure on juvenile largemouth bass and bluegill, essentially crashing their populations. To remedy the situation, we ceased stocking catfish there and will re-stock the pond with bass and bluegill this spring.
We still stock catfish in a lot of other regional waters including McDevitt, Parkcenter, Sawyers, Eds, Caldwell Rotary, Caldwell 1 and 2, Horseshoe Bend, Riverside, and Quinns. In these waters, we attempt to stock at appropriate numbers and times that most catfish will be harvested before winter to avoid similar problems. Alternatively, at larger ponds with adequate food bases, we can stock more liberally.
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Monday, May 6, 2013 - 10:05 AM MDT