First time hunt [passport] program

My son is 10 yrs old and I was informed that he could hunt big game this year. But on the info provided for the first time hunt it says 12 yrs is minimum age requirement for big game. Does he then need to take hunters ed before hunting big game with first time hunt permit?
The law changed in 2014 to allow 10-year olds to hunt for Big Game. Because of this, some of the older regulations may have that information incorrectly stating 12-year olds. Any big game hunter born after 1975 is required to take Hunter's Education. However, as a way to introduce the sport to people who have never hunted, the Hunting Passport has been introduced. The hunting passport allows a hunter to hunt for one calendar year without the requirement of hunter's education. However, because the intention of the passport is to introduce the hunter to a safe, ethical and responsible aspects of hunting, it requires the close supervision of a qualified adult mentor. Learn more about the hunter passport and hunter's education. 
Answered on: 
Monday, September 22, 2014 - 1:11 PM MDT