Donating big game-- any resources besides Idaho Hunters Feeding the Hungry?

I am having trouble finding any organizations accepting donations in the Southeast region.
Finding organizations to except wildgame meat can be problematic.  This is due primarily because the meat is not inspected and any group or association desiring to transfer wildgame meat must contact the Food Program Compliance Officer of the State Department of Health and Welfare, Division of Health, Statehouse Mail, Boise, Idaho 83720 and the district health department for approval prior to obtaining any wild fish or game.  I would suggest that you contact your local Idaho Department of Fish and Game Regional office if you have game meat you would like to donate.  Most Regional Offices with the Idaho Department of Fish and Game maintain a list of indigent or needy folks they can dsiperse the meat too.  In order for the Fish and Game to donate meat the recipient must sign a waiver acknowledging that they understand the meat they are recieving is not inspected and doesn't meet standards set by the Idaho Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.  Idaho Code 36-1304 can explain the law more clearly for you and also will provide you with examples of waviers needed in dispersing wild game meat.  If you wish to discuss this further I would encorage you to contact our enforcement bureau at 208-334-3736.
Answered on: 
Monday, July 14, 2014 - 2:06 PM MDT