I have seen deer crossing Chinden between Linder & Meridian road. Most recently a doe & two fawns. I have also seen them in the pasture that is becoming construction area east of Paramount subdivision. Do you have programs in place to move them to less dangerous areas?
There are hundreds of deer throughout Boise and surrounding areas that have become urbanized. We do not have any translocation programs for deer. Fortunately, most deer have figured out how to safely cross roads and when and where to feed to avoid most traffic. The greenbelt and surrounding lush green vegetation are very attractive to wildlife and is part of the charm of Boise. There is little we can do to discourage their use of the area as it will always pull deer from the dry foothills to the lush vegetation of the valley bottom.
If you do find animals which have been killed or injured by cars, please report them, however.
Emergencies where people are in danger, call 9-1-1
Animal in distress, please contact Idaho Fish and Game or your local Sheriff
A dead animal safely on the side of a road, online at http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/roadkill
Answered on:
Tuesday, August 4, 2015 - 10:15 AM MDT