Can you give me some info on Hulet-Sinker creek reservoir in Owyhee county?

The coordinates are Latitude: 43.0927, Longitude: -116.5443. I would like to know: 1. Is it located on public or private land? 2. If on private land, How far upstream is this creek on private land? 3. If on private land, How much of the surounding land is private? Thank you.
Hulet-Sinker Creek Reservoir is entirely on private land.  Approximately 1.1 miles upstream of the dam, there is about a 0.8 mile section of BLM land.  There is about a 0.5-1 mile "buffer" of private land surrounding the reservoir. In order to navigate in this area, you need to print maps from the IDFG map center which is accessible through the Fish/Hunt Planner. Alternatively, you may want to purchase a BLM surface management status map for Murphy.  These maps are invaluable for navigating in the Owyhees. 
Answered on: 
Monday, July 30, 2012 - 12:59 PM MDT