Burned Desert [Replanting habitat burned in the Dietrich area]

Why don't you guys replant or recreate the pheasant, sage grouse, and partridge habitat that was burned outside of Hunt and Dietrich.
Idaho Department Fish and Game's efforts to assist with fire rehab efforts are coordinated with private, state, and federal landowners/managers.  Usually rehab efforts happen during the first 3 years following a wildlfire.  During that period federal agencies have funding available for stabilizing burned areas, and it is also the most opportune time to try and establish desired vegetation prior to less desirasble vegetation gaining a foothold and then having a competitve advantage over plants that are seeded in the future. If the burned lands in the Hunt and Dietrich areas are on public lands, such as BLM or IDL, you can contact those agencies to see what options are available to rehab them.  If it is on private lands, the landowner can contact the local NRCS, or you can contact IDFG at the Magic Valley Regional Office in Jerome.  IDFG has some funding available via our HIP program for improving upland bird habitat on privately owned properties.  
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Thursday, March 13, 2014 - 1:12 PM MDT