In an attempt to recover the money loss due to the lack of out-of-state hunters you are now selling tags second tags to in-state hunters. While I welcome in state hunter opportunities what are you doing to improve the reason we lost out-of-state revenue i.e. the lack of quality hunting opportunities? It appears the objective is to sell the most tags possible. If the quality of elk and deer improved out-of-state hunters would return and Idaho Fish and Game income would return. Instead it appears we continue to manage for spikes and two points and call it win-win.
Our research shows that one reason many nonresidents left the state over the last 5-6 years was due to the down economy. Tourism was down everywhere.
There has not been a resident license fee increase since 2005 though our expenses continue to increase annually. In order to continue to provide quality service to the public, monitoring and management of big game, we have been creative in trying to raise revenue without increasing resident fees. Deer and elk numbers are rebounding in many places due to consecutive mild winters and we wish to capture that surplus.
We will perpetually monitor populations to assure that our management does not impact populations negatively.
In addition, it's important to recognize that the second tags come from the nonresident tag allotment. The nonresident quotas for over-the-counter tag sales have been in place for many years. Once those limits are reached (which they have been in the past), the second tag and nonresident over-the-counter opportunity is over. We did not reach these set limits this year.
Answered on:
Thursday, December 18, 2014 - 9:45 AM MST