Yes. A signed, written sales statement showing the taker’s name, address, license and tag numbers (not needed for salvage of road kill), date and location of salvage, must be provided to the buyer of any black bear or mountain lion head, hide or other parts (except tanned hides or finished rugs or mounts). A copy of the Sales Statement must be forwarded by the buyer to the IDFG within ten days after the sale. An IDFG form, CE-50 - Statement of Sale/Purchase of Wildlife Parts, may be used in lieu of a sales statement. These forms are available at your nearest IDFG office or conservation officer.
For current information, or if you have questions about the salvage rules, please refer to IDFG’s website at or contact your nearest IDFG Office.
Answered on:
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 - 2:31 PM MDT